Tea Tasting Glossary茶叶审评术语表
日期:2011-12-06 浏览:2702次 
Tea Tasting Glossary茶叶审评术语表

Terms describing dry leaf


A black appearance is desirable preferably with bloom.


A satisfactory appearance for CTC type teas. Denotes careful sorting.


A sign of good manufacture and sorting (where reduction of leaf has taken place before firing) a sheen that has not been lost through over-handling or over-sorting.


Particles of leaf which are too large for the particular grade.


A brown appearance in CTC type teas that normally indicates overly harsh treatment of leaf.


Tea tainted by inferior or unseasoned packing materials.


A very large broken-leaf tea.


Leaf that is free from fibre, dirt and all extraneous matter.


Leaf with a crimped appearance common to larger grade broken-leaf teas such as BOP. Curly

Leaf appearance of whole leaf grade teas such as OP, as distinct from wiry. Even Teas true to their grade, consisting of pieces of leaf of fairly even size.


Flat open pieces of leaf often light in texture.


Caused by too much abrasion during sorting.


Describes primary grades of well-made CTC teas such as Pekoe dust.


A tea in which the tea tends to be on the large or longish size.


Teal light in weight of poor density and sometimes flaky.


A term used to describe tea manufacture, in tea-tasters terms a make that means a well-made tea or not true to its grade.


Tea that has been packed or stored with a high moisture content.


A grade of tea having good ìmakeî and size.


Smell of the dry leaf.


Fine light dust as the tea people say meaning a very fine light leaf particle.


An uneven badly manufactured and graded tea.

Stalk and Fibre

Bits of tea bush other than the leaf which should be minimal in superior grades but are unavoidable in lower-grade teas.


A sing of fine plucking apparent in top grades of tea.

Uneven and Mixed

Uneven pieces of leaf particles indicating poor sorting and resulting in a tea not true to a particular grade.

Well Twisted

Used to describe whole-leaf Orthodox tea grades, often referred to as well madeor rolled.


Leaf appearance of a well-twisted, thin, long leaf.

Terms Describing Infused Tea Leaf


Smell or scent denoting inherent character usually in tea grown at high altitudes.


A pleasant aroma often found in well-fired Assam.


A lively bright appearance, which usually indicates that the tea will produce a bright liquor.


Bright leaf that indicates a well manufactured or make of tea.


Lacks brightness and usually denotes poor tea. Can be due to faulty making (manufacture) and firing or a high moisture content.


A dark or dull colour that usually indicates poorer leaf quality.


When referring to black tea it means the leaf has been underfermented or alternatively it can be leaf plucked from immature bushes and will often , when liquored, result in a raw or light liquor. Can also be caused by poor rolling during making or manufacture.

Mixed or Uneven

Leaf of varying colour.


A smoky aroma unless a Lapsang Souchong tea which should not be there.Terms Describing Tea Liquor


An unpleasant taste, normally resulting from the tea being carried or wrapped in unlined hessian bags. Bakey

An over-fired tea with the result that too much moisture has been driven off the leaf while drying.Bitter

An unpleasant taste associated with raw teas.Body

A liquor having both fullness and strength as opposed to being thin.Brassy

Unpleasant metallic quality similar to brass. Usually associated with unwithered tea.Bright

Denotes a lively fresh tea with good keeping quality.Brisk

The most live characteristic. Results from good manufacture.Burned

Taint caused by extreme over drying during manufacture.Character

An attractive taste, specific to growth origin describing teas grown at high altitude.Coarse

A tea producing a harsh undesirable liquor with taste to match.Coloury

Indicates useful depth of colour and strength.Common

A very plain light and thin liquor with no distinct flavour.Cream

A natural precipitate obtained as the liquor cools down.Dry

Indicates slight over-firing or drying during manufacture.Dull

Not clear, lacking any brightness or briskness.Earthy

Normally caused by damp storage of tea but can also describe a taste that is sometimes climatically inherent in teas from certain regions.Empty

A liquor lacking fullness. No substance.Flat

Not fresh, usually due to age of the tea tends to lose its characteristics and taste with age, unlike some wines which age, unlike some wines which mature with age.Flavour

A most desirable extension of character caused by slow growth at high altitudes. Relatively rare.Fruity

Can be due to overfermenting during manufacture and/or bacterial infection before firing or drying, which gives the tea an over ripe taste. Unlike wines this is not a desirable taste in tea.Full

A good combination of strength and colour.Gone off

A flat or old tea. Often denotes a high moisture content.Green

When referring to black tea liquor denotes an immature raw character. This is mostly due to under fermenting and sometimes to under withering during manufacture.Hard

A very pungent liquor, a desirable quality in tea.Harsh

A taste generally due to the leaf being under withered during manufacture resulting in a very rough taste.Heavy

A thick, strong and colour liquor with limited briskness.High-fired

Over fired or dried, but not bakey or burned.Lacking

Describes a neutral liquor with no body or pronounced characteristics.Light

Lacking strength and depth of colour.Malty

Desirable character in some Assam teas. A full, bright tea with a malty taste.Mature

Not bitter or flat.Metallic

A sharp coppery taste.Muddy

A dull, opaque liquor.Muscatel

Desirable character in Darjeeling teas. A grapey taste.Musty

A suspicion of mould.Plain

A liquor that is clean but lacking in desirable characteristics.Point

A bright, acidic and penetrating characteristic.Pungent

Astringent with a good combination of briskness, brightness and strength.Quality

Refers to cup quality and denotes a combination of the most desirable liquoring qualities.Rasping

A very coarse and harsh liquor.Raw

A bitter, unpleasant taste.Soft

The opposite of briskness. Tea lacking any live characteristics and is caused by inefficient fermentation and/or drying.Stewed

A soft liquor with undesirable taste that lacks point. Caused by faulty firing, or drying, at low temperatures and often with insufficient airflow through the oven during tea manufacture or making.Strength

Substance in cupSweaty

Disagreeable taste. Poor tea.Taint

Characteristic or taste that is foreign to tea such as oil, garlic etc. Often due to the tea being stored next to other commodities with strong characteristics of their own.Thick

Liquor with good colour and strength.Thin

An insipid light liquor that lacks desirable characteristics.Weedy

A grass or hay taste associated with teas that have been under withered during manufacture and sometimes referred to as woody

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